Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hogan doesn´t know anything!


If you believe in reincarnation you probably wonder were this pinhead´s freelancing nowadays?!?

*Reincarnation* means that he could be your wife, boss, best friend et cetera. 

Who knows???

Hogan knows best! (I don´t think so!)

Thursday, December 3, 2009


2012 could just be an average year, if there wasn´t so much hype about this particular hour. New Agers have REALLY got to this particular field and fabricated a lot of doomsday scenarios, without any relevant information. Of course something will happen, because there are a load of people (wankers) who´re actually believing in this total sheit!

New Age bullshitters love this theme, but I REALLY don´t think that we expect any earthshaking in terms of what´s been predicted so far. Of course it´s a good thing that the New Age movements finally have started to believe in something. Anyhow, some things will happen sooner or later...

But hey, who am I to Judge?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The illusionist

I´m right now sitting behind the scenes of the great stage illusionist and serving old Harry sewage wastewater with rusks, while The agonized Hen´s being served fresh water with heavenly biscuits... Obviously the Cloven Hoof´s now desperately trying to keep up with his appearance, because the Universal Life Force´s getting a tight chokehold on him when adjusting the right earthly balances!

The BIG question: Are you in or are you OUT?

The Hen!

I´m not trying to be or act like a Michael Moore wannabe! I´m actually born with a silver spoon in my mouth!

The thing is that a couple of years ago I met The Hen (Yeah, the Totem itself) who told me that it´s time to change the overcooked, cheaply produced macaronis in my brain to al dente cooked whole-wheat pasta! . . .

During this same meeting The Hen checked my "ticker" (which was in perfect shape) and reconnected the cables from my lookout tower to the cardiac organ.

(The Hen mumbled something about major plans)

Before our meeting was over The Hen said:

- It´s definitively not an easy task I´m giving you, because everyone has failed on this mission so far! (Shit!!!) Stay humble and keep your God given direction at any cost, otherwise. . .

(A BIG thanx to the "anonymous" editor-in-chief... :0)

Saturday, October 3, 2009



I have too much to think about right now!
Recently i´ve tried to: write my degree thesis, be a devoted father, work on my sailing boat, write "interesting" blogs, update myself with accurate news, finnish my school, write memorable tunes and bla bla blaa. . .

It´s hard to focus on millions of things at the same time. As you probably noticed my latest blogwriting wasn´t that good at all (It´s now corrected!). The text made me realize that I´m not a robot.

I´m definitively made out of LOVE so I´m not able to stand in the middle of a shitstorm all the time. It makes me nauseous in the long run. I REALLY now need some time to breathe and focus on the main thing:


Therefore I have to take a break. . .

See ya soon!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Simple Mathematic!

Something I´ve always enjoyed talking bout is this endless dilemma concerning Intellectuality vs intelligence. It´s really interesting if you give it a thought and I´m sure it´s highly relative too, because everyone has some kind of opinion about it...

Well, where should I start?!?

- Yeah, of course by defining these expressions!

- Intellectual = A person who is extremely cleaver and who´s using his endowment to think in a strict rational way. This kind of person doesn´t want interference from any "emotional bullshit" that´s commonly related to "normal" thinking.

- Intelligence = An ability or mental skill that gives you the right tools to solve or associate with various kinds of problems. It also can be described as a capacity to think in an abstract; less explicit way.

And then of course the essential Emotional quotient - or the more known expression: social intelligence.

- Emotional quotient = The ability to deal with your own and other peoples emotions. This God given mental skill does not require "Einsteinic" brains. Therefore it´s probably something that fits YOU and me... :=)

And of course there are hybrids too. For instance my Mother is truly gifted by a massive portion of social intelligence - but she´s also thinking in a unsparingly rational way. Luckily she hasn´t have the required cleverness for being an intellectual...

Ok, now to the subject!

I REALLY believe that we actually don´t need anything else than this last mentioned competence in order to make our lives fulfilled. Of course it´s not a bad thing if you´re gifted with every of the above mentioned skills. You probably then find this world a little bit too boring, because we (normal people) aren´t giving you the high-levelled information that you require - in order to give you and your life a deeper meaning.


Why aren´t the leading intellectuals available for this endless fight for true righteousness? Are they too blinded by da bookz - or is there something that I don´t know anything about...?

It´s probably something I don´t know!?!

For instance let´s check out the strikingly controversial Jussi Halla-Aho. He´s a columnist, blogger, politician, dedicated father etc... I really give a credit to his intellectual skills, even though he seems to be too far away from the essential track.

- So what is he doing?

He´s focusing with his every cell on immigration politics. On this matter he´s actually as single minded as; a child is for a candy, Hitler was on the jews, the church are on gay-marriages.

In other words: Why is he wasting so much intellectual talent on subjects that aren´t important at all?!?

If only he and his "mensafriends" could wake up from their science fiction reality we would experience healthy global changes instantly.

Simple Math:

Knowledge is King
Faith is Heart

Combined a King´s heart

Mathematical formula: (K x 1) + (H x 1) = C2


What would Batman have been without Robin?
- Just an average guy going to a masquerade...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Think about it!


What do I want to say today..?


- NO! It doesn´t fit...

- Would it sound better if I said: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE?

- Yeah, it worked!

Therefore I´m giving everyone a love-shot in the arm! 

Now I´m eagerly waiting to retrieve some of the Love that I gave to you... 

Plz. send it to:

I´m not sure whether it´s a good idea to send virtual-love to an imaginary e-mail address..? Without mentioning the difficulties in wrapping love into an abstract virtual shape... 

Lot of people are desperately trying to do this - so who am I to judge?

-True love is the only engine of survival-

Monday, September 28, 2009

Too late to abandon the sinking Ship!

Even though the beloved Captain left our ship a long time ago, I´m pretty confident that we´re bright enough to pull this vessel back to the surface again. By stockpiling our talents and strengths to a common account we´ll be able to twist this Doomsday tanker into something more substantial...

I´ve noticed that a lot of people are experiencing this same kind of frustration that I´m feeling nowadays. Therefore I have to clear out a couple of facts:

- I´m not a copycat!

- I´m not a prophet!

- I´m not a wannabee hippie!

- I´m not depressed!

- I´m not a cynic!

- I don´t have any political motives!


This kind of frustration usually kicks in when you´re having problems getting along with your everyday life. Frustration can also strike when you´re least expecting it - for example when you´re experiencing a blessed new addition to the family. I´ve experienced both!

The fact though is that this "wake up call" will affect everybody sooner or later... And due to our modernized Worlds condition, it´s surely gonna be a merciless HELLRIDE for each and everyone. Probably a lot of people would rather beg for a slap in the face with a sloppy shit-filled leather glove, than experiencing this dreadful passage!

There4 I´m encouraging YOU to immediately pull out your head from your (or your neighbours) ass, and start actively working for a healthier more lucrative future.
There´s actually no other way if YOU want to ensure yourself a smooth turnout every fucking morning...

"A wise man thinks about future obstacles before resting his head"...

There aren´t many lifeboats available! Therefore I´m encouraging you to climb back to the dining room and start dancing to the spiritual beat.

... And the Band played on ...

Dooby, dab, wooby, doo ... (Fuck JAZZ!)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Know your Enemy!

First thing that jumped out from the newspaper today was the first-page article bout the G20. The article explained how the recent economical breakdown has brought new "possibilities" to economical collaboration worldwide. It also described how the G20-leaders are boasting bout the economical rescue-plan they earlier fabricated.

What kind of new cooperativeness was this article refering to..? Was it something about YOU and me? Was it a final solution for a BETTER, HEALTHIER environment? - NO!!!

They´re just throwing a big piece of shit in our pants once again... These Eggheads aren´t coming up with any new fertile strategies, they´re just blowing up this old system with freshly produced misleading lies!!!
- So "Yes we´re able to buy handmade clothes even in the future made by 7-year old child-prostitutes from Vietnam". - Wooppy, dooppy, doo:o( ...

Can´t they realize that it´s impossible to come up with an extensive economical rescue plan, because the hole existing system is totally corrupted. In other words: Why are they wrapping a sinking ship in cellophane when the hole vessel is burning..?

This hole G20 looks in my opinion like a bunch of butterfingers sitting at a birthday party surrounded by massive 60´s James Bond movie sets. - You know the ones Blofeldt´s crime organization had with the electrifying chairs and so on ...

Correct me if I´m wrong, but i´m sure the G20 even has the same political agenda as Blofedt´s organization S.P.E.C.T.R.E. (SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion).

Therefore it´s better to destroy them immediately, than letting them get away with their teenage birthday party chit-chat bout; "Oh, my pubic hair has grown longer than yours"...

I want some action!

... NOW!!!


Thoughts ...

These are three things which came to my mind this morning;

- Restrict your consumption!
- Take care of yourself !
- Give a thought to the ones who REALLY needs it!

faith is our most powerFul resoUrCe. lucKily faiTH is accompaniEd by: Peace, lOve and hoPE!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Food Chain

One thing which has REALLY bothered me lately, is the fact that the leading political view throughout modern Europe is bullshit "we don´t give a fuck" democracy. Unfortunately the whole strength of the European Union is centered to a fistful of numbskulls who´re making our life even more difficult than it actually is.

Let´s now wait and see how the Irish people´s voting once again for the same EU constitution that they already rejected... Probably their Tullamore Dew wisdoms still running high - meaning that we won´t experience anything earthshaking in terms of the acceptance of the new EU constitution.

I´m not an EU-critic! I´m only frustrated because of the boneheads who´re actually steering this fleet into its own decline ...


In my opinion it would almost be better to live under strict dictatorship with clear guidelines of what is right and wrong, than swimming downstream this endless flood of sewage wastewater.

If nothing else, dictatorship would at least wipe out this continuous mish-mash of "Hey, let´s save our planet by smoking joints as king-sized as the Challenger Spaceshuttle"... - You know what I mean - the followers of the GP, A...Y and everyone else who hasn´t got a fucking voice of their own. And of course this would also annihilate the administrative layers in these Fuct Up organisations. They wouldn´t have access to their private Islands in the Bahamas anymore... :=D

Unfortunately dictatorship doesn´t work as a political system, and it has been proven several times throughout the human history with unfortunate fatal consequences...

Why can´t we just force our activity´s to the right direction and start actively using our God given brains in order to get the right earthly solutions. Something that would cover all the individuals from top to toe.

Actually I´m really sceptic that an exhaustive global solution would work in practice, because unfortunately we´re surrounded by many highflying wankers which are "coded" with non-rational, aggressive animalistic instincts. In a split second we would have these bloodthirsty heat-seeking sharks all over the place again, trying to force even the smallest plankton to obey their endless appetite for flesh.

Luckily I realized that the pencil actually is the sharpest of all the available weapons nowadays. It gives you the right edge when opposing existing social structures.
A simplistic well structured written line, can at its best prune away all the rotten vegetables which aren´t fitting in our spiritually fruitful garden.

Writing can´t actually be much more difficult than speaking if you´re really give it a thought. Just scratch some letters in a row - put a few dots and question marks here and there and ...

- Voilà!

Even though I´m not possessing the most cleaver writing style - without mentioning the lack of rhetorical structure - I´m pretty confident, because I´m sure that my faith will carry me forward allowing me to explore new creative dimensions ... 

- You´d better lock your door!!!

In my opinion even the smallest of the smallest can make this World a better place for us. Tiny creatures could participate in this everlasting fight by simply changing their daily routines into something more productive. For instance an ANT could start a revolution by stuffing TRASH up the asses of the "top of the food chain" predators ...

Apocalyptic overtones

Uh, What´s happening in the media field today..?

Heard from above:

"Rupert Murdoch´s trying to drag out his head out of his big polluted fat ass"

"Silvio Berlusconi´s having troubles finding his way out from the red-light district in Rome. Somebody caught him with his pants down while stuffing a carrot in his ..."

The World is a strange place indeed... When do the dominoes fall for the last time..? I guess somewhere between 2010 and 2014. 


Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Finnish People ...

What´s the matter with the Finnish people..? To me it seems that this lumberjack-heavy-metal-population is defining Love in a strange awkward way. I honestly believe that the Finns think LOVE is something that fits between the fist and the Sauna stove. In other words the Finns defines you and your community by the way you treat other people. There´s actually nothing wrong with that, but when these aggressive, raw, flesh-eating dinosaurbears tend to limit this kind of behavior to their own lack of spiritually wisdom it´s getting wrong.

In other words I´m trying to say that everything is relative according what´s good and bad until you really believe in some kind of "over-the-border consensus" or higher spirit. And I truly believe that there are too many holy spirits "flying" out there by now, so it´s definitively not easy to pick up a good one. Unfortunately our "HOLY Sky" is filled with : TAPIO´s, AHTI´s, BELSEBUBS´s et cetera ...

The Finnish political climate is really polluted, because of the wide corruption scandal that has been shakin this nation recently. The fact is that the political stability has now really collapsed because of the poorly base it was casted on. Finland, as a nation, has throughout it´s short history really remarked itself as the least corrupted nation worldwide. This is something which now has been proven false. The Finns, according to my standards, has always trusted their activity upon corruption. The activity itself has been named "Good-Brother networking" - meaning that you can make certain decisions and agreements if your goal is to serve the Nation or the FINNISH people. This is something which have not necessarily benefitted the minority groups in Finland. To be honest I really hate this kind of activity and I call it FREEMASONRY.

Probably a lot of you think freemasonry is something totally different.
Luckily we´re living in a free world where expressions aren´t copywrited by anybody - so get the fuck out of my ...

Let´s now hope and see if the Finnish people are ready to "throw in the blanket" and demand re-elections... This is something I really wish would happen, cause any new wind direction is good for the social development that we´re all hopefully craving for.

If this Finnish mentality is controlled by this "Good brother" spirit - what about the sisters, daughters, wife´s et cetera..?

One more thing I can´t understand is why the Finnish political field is so deeply divided into two separate fields. On one side you have the bitter 70´s post-radicals and on the other side the elitistic, well behaving, stiff-necked capitalist-pigs who thinks everybody can act like a robot in our modern society. Can´t they just grow up and make a reconciliation, so that this rathole finally could be a better place for all the unaware, innocent children. If we slice out these two political fields due to my scepticism - who´s left..?

The Center Party, the True Finns, the Green Party and the Christian Democrats with their stone-age political agenda.

F..k, where is the political party that covers my back?

A party that is actively working for CONTINUITY, PEACE; LOVE AND HARMONY ...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Middlelife crisis, frustration ...


I came to the conclusion that as a birthday gift to myself I´m gonna start blogging. In my opinion it´s better to start late than never. Actually I don´t prefer to write in english but it´s probably the best solution because I have Finnish, Swedish and English speaking friends.

I have lived until this particular day in a supermassive black hole, so don´t get frustrated because of the writing style, text structure or my overwhelming lack of knowledge. See, everyone can´t be as talented as the gifted people... :)

This composition might sound a bit cynical and it definitively is! Plz. don´t get me wrong, because I still enjoy a load of things and I´m TRULY hopeful bout the future ...

... 30

Woah, I finally received the golden age 30! Hipp, hipp, hurray ... - NOT!
The World is still in everyway a totally Fuct Up place, so there´s REALLY nothing to celebrate.

Probably a lot of you people would say or have said:
- STOP thinking and start enjoying your everyday life...
I´m sorry! That´s not me anymore... I´ve tried to live that way, but it didn´t work. In my opinion the life´s actually just a large bubble filled with hypocrite lies. Or let´s say the pretended life, not the REAL stuff.
(Hmm... You´re to serious! - NJET!!!)

All my life I´ve tried to find my place in the social room, but unfortunately always caught myself messing everything up because of the strong anxiety I´ve felt. This was something that really frustrated me when iI was younger, and I started to avoid certain things and happenings. Luckily
I´ve overcomed it somehow nowadays and I´m now able to focus on the things which I feel is important. My options were:

- Continue monkeying around
- Stand quiet in the corner
- Just listen
- Be totally outside
- Get in contact with the Owner of the house

I chose the last one ...

I made a decision already earlier in my life; actually after my soulful daughter was born, that I´m gonna fight for true righteousness with my every breath till it´s time to cash in the chips... Or at least try to do it, cause after all we´re just humans. (Humanoids)

Fortunately there are many good-hearted people out there, who has chosen this same narrow path that I´m trying to struggle on. Together we´re strong enough to carry on through this shitty life. - Hell yeah!
Hopefully our chosen path is not only spiritually demanding but also gives us a brighter future where our children safely can grow up ...

After this, you probably think that I should thank GOD for everything - but that doesn´t fit in - Or does it..? In my opinion the "Godly-institution" has been worn out a long time ago due to our egocentric, over-rational behavior. Back in the days we "starry-eyedly" exchanged our peace loving Creator for the not so unfamiliar rat faced Ol´ Harry. He who has it all; gambling, fast cars, beautiful women, nuclear warheads et cetera...

-Think about it! People are nowadays even thanking GOD for the opportunity to act in pornographic movies... And don´t forget the "Texasian" barbecued chicken, who actually thanked GOD for the war efforts he made in the Middle East. Pretty nasty sponsorship for the crusade - What do you think?

I myself prefer much more concrete actions. Maybe something like:

"Give me Christ or give me Hiroshima" (Leonard Cohen, 1992)

Now it´s time to put an end to this first script, by giving my best regards to all the people who has supported me throughout my life. I really beg that everyone could wake up and see the big prosperous picture. That´s actually the only way to prepare ourselves for the struggles which are to come.
Together, if we´re dedicated enough, we could start the revolution for World Peace. And in my opinion it´s better to start right away, because our time is running out... I truly belive that it´s no use to save this planet of ours if we can´t save ourselves.

Well, i really wish from the bottom of my heart that this truthful journey sometimes comes to an end, and finally brings us the enjoyable fruits of Continuity, Peace, LOVE and everlasting Harmony ...